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[deecee: VW service (long)]

- ----- Forwarded message # 1:

Remember all the time you bring your car to the dealer it is usually for
warranty "bitching" and "free service."  Help the dealer by having your
wheel lock key in plain view because some services require tire rotation. I
think it must be a game because some customers like to play hide and seek
with the wheel lock key. No problem if you think I am going to get the
master set  because I can't find your hiding lock. Forget it! The tires
don't get rotated. You'll never find out because the car is washed when the
service is done and the wheels are cleaned. 

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All this talk about customer service and this is what you do if someone does
not have the key to the wheels.  If you think someone wont notice it your wrong
because there are people like me that know every scratch on each rim.