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RE: Pirelli P700Z tires

I had a set of these on my car, and the tire has great traction.  They didn't 
last too long though.  I had one tire develop a baseball sized bubble, and 
another got an unexplained cut in the side.  I doubt if the tires were on my 
car more than 15k miles before they had to be replaced.  Right now I have a 
set of Nitto NT505s on my car.  The traction is good, but I don't  think that 
they compare to the P700zs.  The Nittos are doing much better in terms of 
durability though.


- -----Original Message-----
From:	owner-jettaglx@igtc.com  On Behalf Of FlyinVR6@aol.com
Sent:	Thursday, September 25, 1997 2:28 AM
To:	jettaglx@igtc.com
Subject:	Pirelli P700Z tires

Anyone know how good these Pirelli's are??? Because the Tire Rack is selling
them for $71.

Maybe i'll get a set.

- -FlyinVR6@aol.com
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