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Re: Dealers in SF Area

     No, no, no, no!  Do NOT go to Carlsen VW.  I can not stress enough how 
     BAD they are.  Myself and others on this list have had terrible 
     experiences at Carlsen VW.  Do you remember the story about the guy 
     who returned there 7, that seven, times to have a rough engine idle 
     fixed, and they didn't find the problem!  Yes that was ME! 1/2 a day 
     at Sunnyvale VW and the problem was fixed.  The Carlsen mechanics are 
     a buch of Monkeys, and the service managers have their heads so far up 
     the porsche owners butts that they don't do shit for VW owners!  
     (James do you have something to add).  My friend had some work done 
     there from a meeting his car had with a curb, and later found out from 
     another service department that Carlsen had used NON-VW PARTS to fix 
     his car, when he was told they were VW, etc. Stay away, they are 
     smooth talkers but know nothing about VW and even admited to me that 
     they do not have the latest VW repair equipment.  GO TO SUNNYVALE VW!!
     You have been warned!

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Dealers in SF Area
Author:  Non-HP-jjh (jjh@nowhere.Net) at HP-PaloAlto,mimegw6
Date:    9/8/97 11:21 PM

Voltaire Almendrala <valmen@A.crl.com> said: 
>If any of
>you have any ideas about a VW dealer with a good service dept, 
>I'd love to hear about it, since I'll be bringing in my car for
>its 5K mile service. Oh, in the San Francisco Bay Area, that is ;-) 
>97 Jetta GLX
I'm taking my GLX to Carlsen Motors in Palo Alto for my 6K service next 
week. I'll let you know then. I've also heard good things about Sunnyvale 
VW (formerly Stan Antonio).
Of course this doesn't help much if you're in Santa Rosa... ;-)
BTW- Can we rant about long .sig files now?
                             _   _____  ____                      __
Jeffrey J. Hoover     o|<   | | / / _ \/ __/___  ___  ___  __ _  / / 
Candy White '97 Jetta GLX   | |/ / , _/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/  ' \/_/ 
CA Plate:       [MAN+CPU]   |___/_/|_|\___/\___/\___/\___/_/_/_(_)