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Re: Netiquette 101...

Really John???

Hmmm?! I thought the topic of the forum was VOLKSWAGENS... not "netiquette."
If I use upper case (CAPS is NOT proper terminology) and I get called on it, 
I will ONLY think the author to be the fool that they SURELY are. 
As stated, the final choice is THEIRS! Read what you want, don't read what
you do not wish to. If they miss good information due to their bizarre
mindset, so be it.

Think about HOW RIDICULOUS these people are. Do they hear someone invoke
the name of the Lord or repeatedly utilize foul language and rush over to
that person and scold them for doing so? Do they approach young women clad
immodestly and advise them that they violate community morals? Do they
confront a homeless bum and chastise that person for not showering and that
the odors emanating from their tattered clothes offends the complaintant's
olfactory? Do these rejects of society and want-to-be policemen stop
speeding cars and make citizen's arrests for being abhorred that the person
violated a traffic law? You know, these misfits who get so upset by my use
the other 99.9% of the population in this world is not as demented.
THE GLX FORUM is not about "netiquette" as you call it, nor off color jokes
or other vehicles... it IS about the GLX, plain and simple. This banter we
are engaging in now is useless and ridiculous and I shall not participate
in it any further. To do so would lower myself to the level of these
moronic outcasts.

I shall, however, continue to use this forum for information for myself and
to help others when I can in my limited knowledge. We have an EXCELLENT
tool here. I thoroughly value and enjoy Don's technical expertise
(deecee@exit109.com) and the other advise from GLX owners. To pollute this
service with refuse like this would be a terrible injustice. I believe
these misguided souls have thought little about their comments. Afterall,
wouldn't it have been MUCH wiser to write me directly than throw it in the
good faces of everyone on the list?

FINAL COMMENT: If I use upper case and you don't like it... DON'T READ IT,
GROW UP and keep your comments to yourself or amoungst your childish
cohorts in the peanut gallery. DO NOT RUIN the forum with junk mail.

'97 GLX also

*wondering if the Honda forum has protocol police as well* Is there
something about A FEW VW owners that make them seem superior and want you
to know that?*

At 01:00 PM 9/7/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>...stuff deleted...So for all you meek pussycats,
>>who at a keyboard become a ferocious lion on a soapbox for the little pond
>>in which they believe themselves to be a big fish, I say... BAH HUMBUG!
>>A simple solution for you, JUST IN CASE I START USING ALL CAPS AGAIN....
>>DON'T READ THE MESSAGE!!!...stuff deleted...
>Actually Thom, this is exactly what I (and probably many other readers) 
>have done when I come across messages written in all caps. It is simply 
>too annoying to bother reading on.  
>Doesn't it seem silly to be ignored simply because you are unwilling 
>communicate in a more socially acceptable way? 
>Like it or not, when messages are sent in all caps or with many typos for 
>example, it lessens the value of that message in the eyes of the reader. 
>Sure, it's a free country and you can speak in any manner you wish-just 
>don't be surprised when someone calls you on it. 
>Not a flame-just Netiquette 101,
>'97 GLX 

===                                                              ===
===       Thomas F. Peluso           Electronics Development     ===
===       Eaton Corporation          Technical & Quality Center  ===
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