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Re: Did U Notice...

At 12:29 AM -0400 8/30/97, Etienne Totti Del Toro wrote:
>So I just checked my e-mail and I got a message with the subject:
>SF Bay Area Gathering...
>and another:
>Trailer hitches?
>and another still:
>Whats going on people?
>(I just know someone's going to complain about this)

If you were paying attention, the trailer hitches was an ON-TOPIC
conversation. The SF Bay Area Gathering was regional in nature, yet STILL

The "Flame!" was about some guy complaining about someone comparing Neon's
and BMW's to a Jetta, which STILL is ON-TOPIC, yet sending a mail about it
titled "Flame!" is *NOT*.

Just wanted to clarify.

- -Khan

P.S. Can you believe that my dealer wants to charge some $190 for
installing a locking gas door to my '97 Jetta?!?

Khan Klatt					   khan@pacificrim.net
Pacific Rim Network, Inc.			    (360) 650-0442 x13
http://www.khan.org			     http://www.pacificrim.net

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