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RE: Correcting Greg O--off topic, not nice

And I tried so hard to stay out of this one.......

But snoopy has pulled me in. Dude... I never attacked your wife. What I said was that I thought her e-mail address was just an alias for you. In other words, you are both people, you just post pretending like it is actually two people. I still believe that, although I don't bring it up anymore. I believe that after reading posts from both addresses for some time. There's no way two people could send e-mails as moronic as the ones that come from those addresses. So the only reasonable explenation is that you send from both addresses.

I actually think I have done quite well leaving you alone since last fall. Especially considering how each one of your posts is so grading. One can only take so much... hmmm.. how should I term it?... Oh yes, Greg put it so well... Drivel. At some point you have to realize that no one cares about PPM or 24 or any other crap here. This is a celtics list. If you want to talk about Peanuts, then join a peanuts list.

From: Snoopy the Celtics Beagle <snoopy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: celtics@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Correcting Greg O--off topic, not nice
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 00:18:16 -0500

I wasn't going to bother. But you've managed to get it so spectacularly and completely WRONG,that I feel it might be reasonable to get the facts out in case any new people actually think you might be anywhere near the reality occupied by the rest of us.

Anyone looking for civil discourse that is Celtics-related should just skip this post and move on. It's going to betake up correcting Greg--again.

As a bit of background for anyone unfamiliar with Greg, he has attacked me on previous occasions, publicly as well as offlist. His bile descended to such a level that I finally contacted his ISP about his harassment. I also contacted listowner Paul Moriarty and described the situation to him.

I tried to be reasonable today, and let the majority of his comments pass, but he just can't shut up. So let's proceed--yet again--to show where he screwed up.

At 11:35 PM 3/14/2004, Greg Odegaard wrote:

Sure try to bring Douglas into your camp. You have no clue what sarcasm is,
do you? It is all me me me me!!!

Hmmm... no idea what sarcasm is? OK,so we know you don't read my posts too well. I'll not presume to know if that's due to lack of interest, ability, or comprehension. I don't know you that well--and have absolutely no desire to.

Just so we are clear Gregg, and before someone calls me out for little or
contribution, good call, Gregg Allen has contributed zero to this list this
calendar year at least, so I at least have him beat. But thanks for being
the bastion of good behavior around here. Better to have tried and failed
than to not have tried at all, so they say.

I am not trying to bring ANYONE into camp. People are making their own judgements based on what they read. I'm sure some people are not too thrilled with me, either.

Just to be fair, you Snoop were the one that grievously and wrongly accused
Shawn on this list, and when he called you out for it, you slunk away into
your dark corner. Do we need to revisit your email to this list of last
October 30? You sicked the list keeper on us, your right and his, and we
went home for a good while, but your off topic drivel is hard to take if not
just plain sickening.

Oh, you mean where Shawn insulted my wife, then falsely claimed she was naught more than an alias for me. The post where I publicly--though admittedly angrily--told him to essentially "put up or shut up". My wife and I were both pretty upset by his foul comments. He never put up, and God and everyone on this list knows he never shut up.

Damn right I spoke to the listowner. I'm just sorry you felt a need to bring this up again, but I'm well and truly tired of you and your obnoxious accomplice posting just to show how annoyingly insulting and ignorant you can be.

One, my "attacks" as it relates to your accusation of Shawn is 100% not
unfounded, and frankly I doubt that you have a family.

Let's see--you don't know me--and presumably, we've never met--yet you are so arrogant as to say such a stupid thing?

I am going to guess the following and then leave it at that. Snoopy either
works out of his home or with a calculator and he either has no family or
more specifically no children. What good is it to make such comments, well
let's just say it is a hunch, and more critically he/she/it don't have the
courage to make good on my claims, given he/she/it are a cowardice anonymous
nobody. And if he/she/it responds in the next few hours, then they are up
way too long for a cool Florida evening for good measure.

Guess? My God, you ARE a moron. You couldn't be more wrong if you TRIED.

Understand this Snoopy, IF we were to ever run into each at a game, I
wouldn't believe you to be this list persona because there is no list
persona. Run into Shawn, Douglass, Gregg, Josh or any other person with a
real name, we could actually have some respect for each other because not
only do we have opinions but because we are also real people with the
courage to behave as such. Your argument that you need to remain anonymous
is purely stupid at every level. Your paranoia is beyond the reality of
anyone living in this free country. Are the little people in your basement
too or just in your head?

If we ever run into each other at a game, that would be most unfortunate, as I might feel the urge to demonstrate how much I dislike craven cowards who casually insult my family. I sincerely hope we never meet. I have no desire to be that close to a disgusting creature.

And because you know what SCA stands for, I rest my case. I know what it is,
which is nothing to be ashamed of frankly, because I have know a few of
those freaky night dwellers myself.

For anyone who has no idea what the SCA is, it's the Society for Creative Anachronisms. Per their website, "The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating pre-17th-century European history." I know of them because one of my interests happens to be world history, and I ran into a group of them many years ago. Most of them are quite pleasant people, but there's a small section that takes things a bit too seriously, and let's just say that mixing mead with medieval weapons is not a good idea.

Imagine someone taking offense to being
accused of playing D & D.

I took no offense. I simply stated that I had never played it and found it odd that someone would assume I had--especially someone who has previously demonstrated a near-total ignorance of who I am, or what interests me. I know several people who have been gaming for years and they enjoy it.

Drop the calculator poindexter and get a life.
Same as debating the show 24 or calculating all the details of every person
you ever know to have been in a car wreck. WHO CARES DUDE!!!

Talking like a Californian will get you NOWHERE on a Celtics list, I hope you're at least smart enough to figure THAT out...it's the sarcasm you claim I have no clue about.

Boy that feels better each time.

If making false accusations and being insulting makes you "feel better all the time", then you are one seriously sick individual.

Let me use short words and simple sentences, so even you can't screw this up. I have a wife. You may not speak ill of her, now or ever. I will--just barely--tolerate your rantings toward me. Leave her ALONE.

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