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Re: questions about the lakers game

On Thursday, March 11, 2004, at 08:14  PM, Kim Malo wrote:

> Come east to Boston for a game, where you you won't have to worry 
> about it. Courtesies like even using a blinker while driving are 
> looked upon as just a sign of weakness to be discouraged for the sake 
> of survival. Using the wrong one will merely get you a reputation as a 
> particularly clever Boston driver <g>
> Kim

Nothing worse than a Laker fan, with Laker Flag in driver side window 
(anyone that lives in or around LA knows what I'm talking about) 
honking at a dyslexic Celtic fan just trying to get on the freaking 
freeway. It's hard enough to manage the traffic, let alone know which 
blinker to use. Sometimes when I'm having an increased freeway anxiety 
day, I just put the hazards on and watch the world curse me out as they 
pass me by. I always think of that John Lennon song he wrote about 
watching the wheels go round and round. LA is such a bizarre place. 
Maybe Lennon had spent some time there before he wrote Imagine? More 
likely I should just take the Celtic sticker off the back of my car. It 
really does stick out like a sore thumb.