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That's good, and very appropriate. I personally like the Bud Light "Mr. Too Much Cologne Wearer" commercial.
Funny how thinking "Out of the Box" always leads those marketing directors back to making fun of Joe America.
On a side note, did you know that if a person was to wager 100 dollars on the Colts and Pathers to make the superbowl back in September they would have 50K on the line tomorrow? If you took that prop bet tonight the return on 100 would be 700 bucks. Props/Future stats show that there are 28 tickets in Vegas printed with Colts/Pathers from preseason. Not too shabby if it hits.

On Saturday, January 17, 2004, at 08:47 PM, Tammo29@xxxxxxx wrote:

(I know some people take things sort of personally, so just so you all know
I'm not posting this as an attack on anyone here. I just thought it was pretty
funny. Lord knows we could use a good laugh around here.)

~~Borrowed from a University of Texas fan site.~~



Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Internet Sports Fan

"Mr. Really Mad Internet Spo-orts Fan!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the mind-blowing tragedy of a bunch of athletes
you'll never meet, losing a game.

"Don't you TAAAAALK to me about perspective!!"

While others are too preoccupied with things like real life, you take your
anger directly to the place where it will make the absolute least possible
impact: An Internet discussion forum.

"Loggin' on now!"

Your unique eye for logic allows you to sling turds of doom every which way,
and then brag about how you were RIGHT as soon as one of the pieces sticks to
the wall b regardless of how many dozens fell limply to the floor before that.

"See I told you sooooooo!!"

And if some idiot newspaper columnist has the gall to not be as incensed as
you are, you unleash your fury down upon him with all the tenacity and
mercilessness of a rabid pit bull with a tender buttock locked in its jaws.

"Total anonymity!"

So keep clicking away, oh Marauder of the Mousepad. Because when the results
you so desire finally come about years from now, you can say it was because
YOU demanded it."

"Mr. Really Mad Internet Spo-orts Fan!"


P S Here's to this team waking up out of it's recent nightmare and adding
one more to the Spurs current three game losing streak.