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Re: [Celtics' Stuff ] I think Danny screwed up

I can give you PART of the answer.  When it became increasingly likely that 
the NHL would have a problems with their contract negotiation--basically 
guaranteeing a lockout/strike--even Billy Hunter realized it would not be a 
good idea for the NBA to be embroiled in contract talks at that time, so 
there was general relief when David Stern took the one year option to buy 
more time to hash things out.  If my Beagle Math is correct (and we all 
know the odds against THAT one) then the current contract is good through 2006.

I can't speak to Danny's intentions, as my telepathy is worse than my math; 
but if he did, he was surely chagrined by the sudden turn of events that 
led to the extension.

At 10:03 AM 2/29/2004, CeltsSteve@xxxxxxx wrote:

>And another thought came to mind. When does the renegotiation for a 
>new/modified labor agreement between Union and the owners begin? Does the 
>current CBA expire on June 30th of 2005? Did Ainge purposely set up 
>Hunter's contract length to end so he could wait until after a new CBA or 
>modified version of the current agreement is enacted?
>``In Ainge We (T)rust" - what other choice do we really have?

Snoopy the Celtics Beagle
Please visit the <http://www.celticsbeagle.net/>Celtics Beagle Website