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Re: Great job, Danny!

Ainge knew Raef had weak knees but didn't realize it was at the point where surgery was needed. And you're telling me that Ainge should have counted on Obie having no integrity and quitting halfway through?

From: Eggcentric@xxxxxxx
To: shizzjr@xxxxxxxxxxx, Celtics@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Great job, Danny!
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 11:26:57 EST

< Do you think maybe Raef needing surgery and Vin returning to the
bottle and the coach quitting maybe has something to do with how
bad the team has been? Those are all things that Ainge did not plan
on but they happened anyways. > -Shizz

One, two, three strikes you're out.
1) Ainge knew Raef needed surgery at the time of the trade
2) Ainge should never have counted on the weak-willed Baker to
essentially replace Walker as our PF
3) Ainge should not have been surprised by Obie's attitude having
second-guessed/disputed his every move both privately and publicly.

Seems like the only thing Ainge should have planned on is the power of
his personality to turn off players, coaches, the media, the fans,
future coaches, future FA's.


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