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Re: poll deadline??

I *DID* say that.  Yeek, are my posts on EVERYBODY'S kill file?  :>)))))

At 11:51 PM 9/23/03 -0400, Shawn Niles wrote:

>Just say the predictions have to be in before the first game of the year 
>starts. Easy as that.
>>From: gene kirkpatrick <gk_tyler@xxxxxxxxx>
>>To: celtics@xxxxxxxx
>>Subject: poll deadline??
>>Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 19:12:25 -0700 (PDT)
>>I thought setting a deadline before camp made sense, since allowing 
>>predictions to straggle in up to the season's start will give some more 
>>information to base their predictions on.  If we have a hard and fast 
>>deadline of "before the first game," that's ok with me.  But some may 
>>want to change their predictions at the last moment.  C'est la vie, or is 
>>it "laissez le bons temps rolles (roulez, rolle)?  Or, may the fast break 
>>prevail, in any language.  Gene  (hoping BB will take my mind off politics)
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