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Re: Celtics flying a new flag: Colors get passed to Pierce, new faces

<'' As the season goes on we'll find more ways to use Raef and Jiri's 
strengths.'' > - Obie

Our coach is starting to sound more and more like the once highly-
respected but now beaten down Colin Powell going against his 
natural grain to come off as a good and loyal, yet self-preserving 

Does Obie really think that Jiri is his answer behind Pierce at SG?  
Does he really feel that James was the best choice of a FA point 
guard in a system he now professes to have always favored?  

If we must now sacrifice Battie for Knight, it is due to the 
impulsive signing of James.

We are now starting to hear that in the new Ainge system, it just 
does not matter who the PG is, that it is just not an important 
position and any old draftee or FA can handle it. 
