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Shawn Niles wrote:

<<Jason Kidd confirmed on the last play of the series what a 
classless jerk he is. The Nets rebound with about 20 seconds left and
bring it across halfcourt. The Celtics, in a classy move, are willing to
concede the game and the series by deciding not to foul. Kidd decides
though, that instead of showing some class and just letting the clock run
out, that he is going to shoot one more three. And it's not like he had
the ball the whole time and just decided to fire it up. He was literally
calling for the ball (I think Harris had it). So here is the wife beater(I
don't care if some think it is tired to call him that.. it's who he is)
calling for the ball because he wants to rub it in just a little bit more.
I guess though that we shouldn't expect much else out of him. It almost
makes me glad at the moment that we don't have cap space to try and sign
the guy because it would make being a fan very difficult if he was here.>>

Shawn -- was being a Celtic fan difficult in 1986?  Larry Bird did the
exact same thing to the Milwaukee Bucks in the ECF that year.  The Cs were
up 3-0 in the series and had a 10 point lead in the waning seconds of Game
4 in Milwaukee.  I remember Bird spotting up in the corner, launching a 3,
and turning to walk off the court as the ball went in and the buzzer
sounded.  It was the most cold-blooded thing I'd ever seen on a basketball
court.  If I'd been a Milwaukee fan I would've been enraged.  And if I'd
been that same Milwaukee fan and you'd told me right then that Bird was a
free agent and that the Bucks had a shot at signing him for 86-87, I'd
have jumped for joy.  

Without getting into what Kidd did to his wife or the propriety of yelling
about it as a fan, I'd simply point out that several of the players whose
numbers hang from the rafters in Boston have had comparably troubling
domestic issues.  We may not admire them as people, but that doesn't stop
us from rooting for them as Celtics.   

As for Walker, I'm surprised nobody's pointed out the most objectionable
aspect of his Stockton/Malone comparison -- THOSE GUYS ARE RINGLESS.  I'm
as staunch a Walker supporter as anyone, but that, combined with his
touting the Cs' accomplishments over the last 2 years, made me mad.  It's
all about the banners in Boston, Antoine.  Nothing less will do.

Michael Gooen

P.S.  R.I.P., Dave DeBusschere -- a worthy adversary and a class act all
the way.  Talk about guys you'd want to have on your team.

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