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Re: The Roadmap Indeed

I used to belong to a folk group in the Boston area.  One of our number 
suffered from a maddening case of indecision, she couldn't make up her mind 
about anything.  We started, as a joke, to blame her for anything that went 
wrong--now, this was not mean-spirited in anyway, she took it with good 
humor and gave as good as she got.  But from then on, we blamed everything 
on her.

So, in that spirit, I don't blame Walker, Pierce, or Way of the Ray.

It's "Rachel's" fault.  :>)

At 11:28 AM 7/8/03 -0400, PScottman@xxxxxxx wrote:

>Right now there are Palestinians and Israelis that are getting along 
>better then the Piercites and Walkerians. You know you're never going to 
>convince each other - ever.
>Not one word you write, not one statistic, or article, or frame of 
>videotape will change each other's mind.  Both parties are "apologists" in 
>each others view.  Both are right. I dare say both might even feel they 
>have "divine will" on their side if you wanted to get right down to it.
>So get over it. Just like the Palestine/Israel conflict there is no winner 
>in this fight.  Just losers. This tiring Walker v. Pierce gripe-fest 
>happens every summer like clockwork.  Are we THAT bored with the board 
>that this is our only entertainment?
>Whomever it was that said we New Englanders have to blame "the one guy" - 
>is absolutely right.  We always do that - always have.  It's Jimy 
>Williams' fault...no wait it's Grady Little's fault. It's Antoine Walker's 
>fault, no wait it's Paul Pierce's fault - No damn it it's the supporting 
>cast! The GM! The Coach! The media! I read "If we just get rid of this one 
>thing..." every single day and laugh at it every time.
>"If we just got rid of that WOTR guy this board would be awesome."  That 
>sound familiar? If it were so simple we'd all be micro-despots ruling our 
>own empires with nary a care. Life would just be a simple process of 
>getting rid of the omni-present "people that cause the problems".  The 
>faucet leaks - fire the gardener. The car needs gas - fire the maid. 
>Sounds simple. Now why the Hell are there 12 foot weeds in my lawn and why 
>is there a huge pile of laundry in my hamper - better go fire the chauffer 
>and the handyman.
>"If we just got rid of..." indeed.

Snoopy the Celtics Beagle
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