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Re: Shaughnessy Says Bring On The Messiah And Treat Auerbach With Respect

At 11:11 AM 9/29/02 -0400, Dorine Pratt wrote:
>Sorry, John, but I couldn't disagree more.  Red represents a great many of
>the reasons for Celtics Pride and if he's happy in his office, why should he
>have to give it up?  He was hurt enough by Pitino.  I'm not sure he
>interferes that much with the day to day business of  the Celtics - so why
>hurt an elderly man who's done so much to make this franchise what it is?  I
>would think less of the Celtics if they took his office away from him.  I
>don't care if I'm sentimental - that's the way I feel.

I agree with Dorine on both the practical and sentimental grounds. Red lives in DC and has said himself that he's past the point where he does a lot of commuting back up here or gets much involved in the day to day. While there are always so many conflicting reports about which draft pick was whose idea that it seems like you're just looking for an easy target by blaming him for picks you don't like. Seems to me Mr Bird was mentioned as having a voice in the Eric Williams pick, for example, if that one bothers you so much. While Pitino didn't give much impression of listening to Red or anyone, so I don't see how you can put Moiso at Red's door rather than RP's. Shula is a really bad comparison here that doesn't fit.

And as was pointed out endlessly in the articles about what the new owners were buying, it's a tradition, a brand name if you have to go market speak, with Red the very symbol of it and as the one who built it. And that legacy key to the ways they can look to continue to revitalize the team and fandom and make money to put into the team (since they don't own media or stadium). There's a BAD symbolism for everyone in starting out by taking away his title, much less to serve no real purpose. To players and fans it says we can jerk around our own legend, what do you think we're going to try to do to you. That's part of why Pitino did it.


>Personally I have thought it was time for Red to retire years ago. They need
>to Shula him out in style.  If not we will continue to have drafts like Eric
>Williams, Moiso, Brown, Forte etc.  based on his evaluation that I think
>went south years ago. The game has simple changed too much. Hopefully they
>will take Wallace with him. He has shown very little in my opinion.