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Contributing Jack

Our new friend Lance wrote:

<<Greg, you don't need my input>>

Does anyone?

<<those whose like Lurking Lucas, who don't contribute Jack but think I'm
irrational in beating on Paul Pierce>>

You seem to believe that the value of a list member's contributions
directly correlates with bandwidth, when in some cases the correlation is

Whether you're irrational in "beating on" Paul Pierce is beside the point.
 You're obsessed with "beating on" Paul Pierce -- to say nothing of
"beating on" any list member who happens to disagree with you, or any list
member who happens to post less frequently than you.  The incessant
"beating on", in my opinion, closely resembles "beating off", and in any
event is tiresome.  

With some minor exceptions, this list has been a relatively friendly and
interesting forum during the years I've been a member.  Although I haven't
posted all that often I've enjoyed reading the different viewpoints and
seeing the passion exhibited by my fellow Celtic fans through good times
and bad.  I subscribe to the digest and will continue to do so, so I can
simply scroll through Lance's contributions.  I hope others will do the
same -- it'll be awfully hard to pretend he isn't there if he's the only
one posting. 

Michael Gooen
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