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I won't repost all of what Shawn Niles wrote, but I will note that I agree
with him whole-heartedly on where to place the blame -- specifically:

<<So last year felt great. Even though they were winning unconventionally,
they were winning again. It felt good. It felt like they were on the way
up again. Then Paul Gaston screwed us. I don't want to call him the most
despicable human beings because there are some bad ones out there, (Bin
Laden, Saddam, Castro), but I will say that I think he is the most
despicable person in the world of sports. Because of his own selfish
greed, he tore the team apart. He saw a chance to make some money and he
went for it at the expense of the entire Celtic Fan base. Most people try
and make as much money as possible, but it has been stated that it should
be different when it comes to owning a sports team. It's not like Gaston
would have been in the poor house without the extra money. He simply did
it out of greed. I think I may dislike him as much as any other person.>>

While I will reserve death wishes for the Bin Ladens, Saddams and Castros
of the world, I sincerely hope that Paul Gaston develops a severe allergy
to wealth in any form -- hard currency, marketable securities, real
estate.... I hope that he breaks out in an ugly, painful rash every time
he handles money or sees his bank statement.  

<<I have stated on my website that not only was the Baker trade 
the worst in Celtic history, but that it might be the worst in NBA
history. I stand by that statement.>>

I disagree there.  Considering the non-contributions Kenny, Vitaly and
Laker Boy have made to the Sonics this year, it's hard to see how the
trade could be condemned on a pure basketball basis.  Vin and Shammond may
yet contribute something (indeed, one can argue that Vin sucked less than
anyone else the Cs ran out there last night).  Of course, the real problem
may arise next year and thereafter -- while there are no more "salary
slots" under this CBA, clearing Kenny's salary might have allowed the Cs
to use their midlevel exception and if the market were to stay as is, that
could bring a real player or two.

<<What about some of the other guys that have been signed? Sundov? I too 
was made sick watching him fire three's with reckless abandon last

No argument there.  I'd say "Bruno Sundov" is Croatian for "Brett Szabo",
but I don't remember Brett Szabo ever chucking up so many bad shots.  No
comment on Bremer and Wolkowyski, other than to note that their appeal is
obvious.  They play cheap.  That's all that mattered this year.  Hey, I've
got a weird-sounding name -- pity I'm only 5'7", or they'd probably have
signed me.  And trust me -- I suck.  :-)

<<This team has no discipline, no rebounding, no offense, and apparently
no defense.>>

Hey, at least they have moxie.  And Walter can sing.

<<I waited 10 years for a good team and finally got it. Now it has been 
ripped out from under me. I don't know if I have it in me to wait through 
another 3 or 4 losing seasons. Last night felt all too familiar. I don't
want to go through that again. Pierce's and Walker's primes are being
wasted. I will always bleed green, but right now I feel wounded and I
don't know if I can recover.>>

Amen, brother.

<<It also sickens me to see certain announcers be so biased. At one 
point last night, Fratello called the Wizards 'WE' and had to be corrected
by Albert that he was not a part of that team.>>

Actually, I think that was Van Gundy talking about the Knicks' attempts to
get Laettner.  Easy to see why he'd call the Knicks "we".
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