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Re: [Celtics' Stuff Fwd: Step Up To The Plate: Who Will The Celtics Draft?

On Saturday, June 22, 2002, at 02:37 PM, Marc Pierce wrote:
Just a quibble here.  Wasn't Jones gone by the time Vrankovic made it to
Boston?  I thought Vrankovic was there during the Jimmy Rodgers/ Chris
Ford years.  I could be wrong, though.

Marc Pierce
	No problem Mark. One man's quibble is another man's thread.
	Of course, you are (partly) correct. My encyclopedia shows Stojko 
arriving for the 1990-91 season along with Chris Ford, while Jimmy 
Rogers. who had replaced K.C., had finished up his two years at the 
helm, the season before.
> *******************

> On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Jim Metz wrote:
>>> ******************************
>>> 	Thanks for the rundown/lowdown on the Euro's, Fabio.
>>> 	Methinks, Wallace isn't quite neglecting those foreign players.
>>> Remember, it was Pitino and Nelson that were chasing Nowitzki and
>>> again, the Celtics were early admirers of Gasol, but those players 
>>> were
>>> chosen before us. Your guess is as good as mine, why they traded two
>>> picks for Sesar and then have seemingly forgotten all about him,
>>> drafting three more wing players last season. I won't even mention Ben
>>> Pepper, for fear of starting that thread again.
>>> 	As for past Celtics from Europe, don't forget Stoijko Vrankovic.
>>> I'll never understand why K.C. Jones didn't give him a chance. He was
>>> one of the best defensive centers I've ever seen. I remember two back
>>> to back pre-season games, where he stuffed Ewing and then David
>>> Robinson, the next night. As I saw it, the team played much stronger
>>> with him plugging the middle, but when the season started, he ate 
>>> pine,
>>> for most of the two or three years he was here. He should have been
>>> playing and perhaps developing some offensive moves. I think Jones
>>> really got the kid frustrated and he went home, never really 
>>> developing
>>> the way he might have, had another more flexible/adventurous coach had
>>> him.