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Re: [Celtics' Stuff Re: Tell Santa to bring us a win

I'll go it alone I guess as far as sticking with Shammond.  Nobody ever
claimed he was a better point than Kenny.  But that is not what has been
limiting this team's chances.  His role is to hit the 3 and play decent
defense.  His stats compared to Kenny last year are not as bad as one might
think.  But I think the same way that Delk has come around, given more time
with the club, I see no reason why Shammond won't also.  Besides, Shammond,
even with his recent shooting woes, has hit 30 more 3s than Kenny did all
last year.  And that is what his coachie wants him to do.

He needs to improve his passing and I have no reason to believe that he
won't.  But coming to the conclusion that he sucks based on his first 27
games is shortsighted, especially in light of the improvement shown by Delk.


----- Original Message -----
From: <Celtic4Hire@AOL.com>
To: <Celticsstuffgroup@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: <celtics@igtc.com>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Celtics' Stuff Re: Tell Santa to bring us a win

> Something you Scrooges haven't noticed is that Pierce for the first time
> year looked like the PP of last year in the last two games. Threes were
> down and he was showing much more energy, basically carrying the team like
> did last year in the playoffs. I don't know what he did to get the extra
> energy but I hope he keeps it up...Have you all factored that into your
> dismal outlooks? In my best Belushi, "Oh, Otter, we're afraaaaaaid of all
> those nasty, away games."...
> Kenny still moping and the Sonics are saying he isn't good enough to play
> second string on their team. Yet, he was indespensible to us on some of
> boards. Philly is saying they are looking for a point guard and don't want
> any of the leftover free agents. Are they angling to get Kenny? That would
> hurt, especially the way Shammond is playing right now. I'm not a Kenny
> but even I (like Kenny)  would have enough sense to pass the ball to
> once I pass half-court, unlike Shammond...
> DJessen33