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re: Kenny--still out of touch

> From: "Berry, Mark S" <berrym@BATTELLE.ORG>

> Far be it from me to tell someone how to spend their money, but this guy
> makes $7 million a year. He joked about "selling one of his cars" during 
> the
> lockout. Doesn't his gesture seem a little, I don't know... hollow? I 
> mean,
> this is a guy who could really do something substantial, yet this comes
> across kind of cheap. Am I wrong?

Yes.  Why not look to your own giving and let Kenny give according to his 
conscience?  Must you take him to task for not giving more of a fraction 
of his salary?  You're like a dog with a bone on a few issues, Mark: Ohio 
State, Obiewon's destruction of; Antoine Walker, non-traditional power 
forward; and Kenny Anderson, loser.  Don't add this to the list.  Take 
your own advice and let it be far, far from you to tell someone how to 
spend their own money.  The spirit of charity is not well-served by 
someone saying, "You only gave THAT much?"

(The Celtic "Tird",
  Celticus "tirdius")