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Re: Palacio

>Are you kidding?  Lose Milt?  WHY?  With apologies to Randy "Third-Degree
>Floor Burn" Brown, Milt is the best point guard on the team.

>Any thoughts?

I agree, he may not be the best on every single night, but all our pg's 
have some issues. Overall I feel he is averaging out as the best at the 
position for our team. I really think he can grow into a decent starting 
NBA PG (ala Wesley). I worry that he won't be allowed to develop at the 
pace he's going now.

He's 6'3", he can play decent but not stellar defense, Jason Kidd he ain't 
but he passes the ball, he has decent form on his shot (and is getting more 
comfortable taking it), and he's willing and able to take it to the hoop. 
Again none of the above are spectacular but they're all there. Plus he has 
the ability to draw out his alter ego "Miracle Milt" when there's less than 
2 seconds left on the clock ;^)
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