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Re: Toine

> "He said he would meet with owner Paul Gaston in mid-January,
> but the meeting never took place. On Jan. 5, as the Celtics
> struggled at home against the Warriors in a game he'd declared
> a must win, Pitino sent assistant coach Jim O'Brien down the
> bench to find out why Walker was pouting. "You don't even
> want to know," O'Brien told him. "Antoine says he's not getting
> enough touches." Pitino made up his mind right there that he
> would quit.

Sure but there is a difference between "getting (more) touches" and "getting
more shots". I don't know what the big deal is with this comment. The way
things are developing, it looks like Obie agreed wholeheartedly with Walker.
Now he is reaping the dividends as coach. Under Obie-won, Walker has
"touched" his way to 42 extra assists in four games out West and made it
look fairly easy when it is nothing less than a spectacular statistic.

I find it incredible that the media still needs to paint Pitino's departure
as the fault of one player: Walker. The press have to demonize  one guy,
because they are mostly simpletons looking for easy answers.  If Pitino were
honest with himself, he wouldn't pass the buck onto one of his players. It
wasn't Walker. Pitino left because the Boston Chicken system
failed...period. Who has a counterargument to that?

Junk the Boston Chicken system and you go straight from worst to say top-15
in defensive FG%.  Become a top-15 defensive team and, in turn, your offense
has a fighting chance to carry you as a playoff contender. It doesn't take a
genius... The players really deserved a chance to be allowed to compete,
instead of being handicapped every night and all season with a headless
screaming chicken outbreak that conclusively proved to be a failure.
