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Re: Doubt Creeps In

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne Cankosyan" <bceltics@mindspring.com>

> Way is the most depressing person I think I will ever encounter on email.
> It so bad, that I no longer enjoy this list (it wears thin after a few
> years).

Use it as a positive. If you ever feel bad about yourself, you don't have to
look far to find the next link down on the food chain. Proclaiming himself
as some basketball expert (Ernest Brown!) and providing meaningless tripe to
a mailing list is the best he has to over. I feel better about myself
already!  Doesn't get much sadder than that. I'd probably do the same if
that is all I had to offer in life. One of the best things about the recent
Celtic win streak....no posts from Ray. Heaven forbid they actually won some
games without implementing Ray's masterplan.

Simon Kean