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Re: Another opinion on the big issues of the day

>  From: Jim Metz <JBMetzEA@AOL.com>
> on 8/5/01 5:43 PM, bird at birdwl@earthlink.net wrote:
> I'm still waiting for someone to say that Mosio was a bust because he was
> a lazy Carribean who probably smoked cannabis.  (Kidding, kidding.)
>     I feet the possibility of pot smoking, with Moiso, has to be 
> considered. [...]
>    Having watched Jerome play, it seems his aggressiveness and enthusiasm
> are very sporadic. He also had a surliness that Baskball.com reported in
> their "Rumors" page on August 4th.: [...]
>   Are these signs of drug use? My experience says possibly. Lethargy and
> hostility to authority figures, may be attitudes common enough in young
> people, they may, or may not, lead one to such use, or they may be
> developed, or enhanced by same, but I see them as being related enough, to
> at least raise the issue, when a player, like Oakley, says that over 50% 
> of
> the players in the league smoke.

I think I feel the exact opposite way you do.  I don't really care if 
Moiso, has, does, or will smoke marijuana.  Nor do I think that you can 
say, since he was lethargic or unaggressive on the court, that possible 
drug use is even "related enough" to raise the issue.  It's a non-issue, 
of no importance.  It's his own business.  In fact, I don't think it "has 
to be considered" at all, and it baffles me that someone would seriously 
wonder about this "possibility".  I mean, unless someone wanted to score 
off of him.  (By the way, I thought that if people smoked cannabis they 
were _less_ likely to be "surly"?  I mean, I met a few somewhat surly 
hippies at a Dead concert once, but I think they were just upset about us 
horning in on their space.  And, they seemed to get less and less surly 
throughout the show.  Hmmm... .)

I was joking about waiting for someone to mention those comments.  Looks 
like I shouldn't have been?

(The Celtic "Tird",
  Celticus "tirdius")

P.S. I especially enjoyed the part where you mention "hostility to 
authority figures".  Yeah, baby, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout.  Those 
Founding Fathers -- they were all probably baked!