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Re: The List

Most time I would agree not to expose private emails. When they occur from
a post from the list and it is of threatening nature, the list should know.
Especially when new members are coming in all the time and haven't been
privy to what's going on. There are a few characters that go beyond in this
list. Who said, "everyone's crazy but me and you, and sometimes I suspect
even you"  

At 07:11 AM 3/23/00 -0700, you wrote:
>At 03:25 PM 3/23/00 +0800, Jaime Salud Castillo, Jr. wrote:
>>Nice advice, Rob.
>>but how can anybody not get angry with this reply from a brat fan
>>(bird@pixi.com)???  I wouldn't mind if he would direct his anger on me, but
>>to insult my deceased mother is the worst!!!  see for yourselves:
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: bird <bird@pixi.com>
>>To: <jaims@philonline.com>
>>Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 5:19 AM
>>Subject: Re: Criticism
>           I am not condoning what was written to you but it looks like you 
>published private E-Mail and I believe that is a no-no. It involves the 
>list in your private business and as I said I sympathize but what can we do 
>to help? Write to the Webmaster at pixi.com for help. Good luck.Later.Mike