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Re: The List

At 03:25 PM 3/23/00 +0800, Jaime Salud Castillo, Jr. wrote:
>Nice advice, Rob.
>but how can anybody not get angry with this reply from a brat fan
>(bird@pixi.com)???  I wouldn't mind if he would direct his anger on me, but
>to insult my deceased mother is the worst!!!  see for yourselves:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: bird <bird@pixi.com>
>To: <jaims@philonline.com>
>Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 5:19 AM
>Subject: Re: Criticism

           I am not condoning what was written to you but it looks like you 
published private E-Mail and I believe that is a no-no. It involves the 
list in your private business and as I said I sympathize but what can we do 
to help? Write to the Webmaster at pixi.com for help. Good luck.Later.Mike