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From: Kestas <Kestutis.Kveraga@Dartmouth.EDU>
>Sure:  Mark Berry, Bentz Kirby, Starke Farrell (who questioned the
>of Pitino critics) and others whose names I don't remember now.

Yes, Kestas I clearly remember diagnosing all criticizing Pitino as
psychotic ;o)

All sarcasm aside, I simply do not see the utility in Pitino bashing.  I
realize that all coaches are subject to criticism when losing in the
Boston area.  It has been that way as long as I can remember.  My
question is what coach could do better with little financial support to
work with (thanks a lot, ThanksDad)?

Riley was given the okay to get 'Zo and Hardaway.  Heck, he even had the
green light to give Juwan 100 mil.  Phil Jackson already had the
all-star cast in place (again big spending for big names). Thus, these
guys are winning big.  Too bad the C's don't get that kind of financial
support from Gaston.

Is breaking up this squad and/or bringing in another coach really going
to bring us a banner any sooner?  Or is this simply our frustration

I do know that losing stinks and it is really getting to me.  Perhaps
the proper diagnosis for this situation is clinical depression, rather
than psychosis.  (Of course I'd rather be a depressed Celtics fan than a
Laker fan any day of the week!)


ps Apologies to any offended by the my previous posts.