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[meta] re: Josh's 100K post

Well, you know, I wasn't going to send this, but ... why let good 
sense stop me?    For those that would like to skip the message, 
here's my point: I just don't see what's wrong with Greg O.'s posts. 
Other posts on the list offend me to a much larger degree.

>From: GAllen@dhhs.state.nh.us
>I would like to say, however, that one can make
>a point without resorting to the level of nastiness that seems to be the
>hallmark of almost every post submitted to this list by Mr. Odegaard.

Aw, Greg's not so bad, he's just very passionate/obssessed/needs 
medication (like many fans).  He makes some good points, but he rubs 
people the wrong way in doing so.  C'est la vie.  At least he's a fan 
of the Celtics, something you can't really say of everybody on the 
List (though most people do, of course, qualify).  I'd rather have 
Greg O.'s posts than all the html code, people quoting entire (or 
multiple) articles and adding a line or two, folks sending previous 
digests back to the list _in toto_, et al. (How's that for a Latin 

>  From: "Moses, Peter L." <Peter.Moses@vtmednet.org>
>As with every individual on the list, we probably
>should accept Greg for what he is, like it or not. It will be my turn to
>feel his petty wrath now, but I think this is worth saying in the public
forum periodically, in order to soften the shock for newer readers 
who are being exposed to Greg for the first time.

Should we do the same for Way/Ray's snide, media-savvy commentary, or 
his occasional "I'm taking my ball and going home" attitude?  Or warn 
newcomers about Josh O.'s propensity to clog up the digest with 
.jpg's?  Or shall I just post every once in a while about how much of 
an irritating curmudgeon (this is the most diplomatic word I can come 
up with) Dan Forant is?  How about a regular reminder that the List 
may contain knee-jerk hate-Pitino venom?  Or even actual Pitino 
spinisms?  Anti-Walker bias?

Maybe it's just better if we accept it, like it or not.

