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RE: No Quitting In This Team

Personally Ray, going back almost a year, since you became a multi-headed mouthpiece for anything that resembled anti-Celtic, this thread of yours was very tired last season.  We the ACTUAL Celtics fans, not just some league inspired mouthpiece with nary a conscious, could care less about your less than inspired insight.

Show some knards and take something more potent that a happy pill; maybe something like a happy bullet.

Come on "Wrong Way Ray", take for one for the team and the list. (I can't believe I am siding with Josh AND Dan)

The following is now an inspired curse filled diatribe from the cut and paste King himself (wait for it, it's coming to a modem near you).

Couldn't care less about your feelings, C fans rarely apologize, nor make such pathetic excuses.  You sound like a died in the wool Faker fan to me. 

44 wins in 2000.
