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RE: No it won't !

Like Josh Ozersky is now the voice of reason on this list. What a freaking hypocrite.  You think you speak for most, I doubt it in light of the many ways you have offended so many on this list.  I know it is beating a dead horse, but what is Josh here ingesting that some how gives him the right to be the high and mighty, never been wrong a day in my life, couldn't take the trouble to go to Boston to see the Garden, then bores us all with his trip down memory lane to the Freak Center, uses more curse words on this list than a pro lineman, then steps in and thinks he can mediate this matter with some perverse form of a cooler head.

Josh you are the racist on this list, and for the record could someone forward this to him so he can get off his high horse and do us all a favor.  What a joke.

Besides Hart and W are providing some version of comic relief, even if Hart can't rent a clue..