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Bill Bradley As Our Next President

                      BRADLEY COULD BE A SLAM DUNK
                      AS PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE    
                      By David Warsh             
                      The Boston Globe            
                      October 25, 1998         
                      Bill Bradley has been making
                      the talk show rounds with
                      his remarkable new book,    
                      "Values of the Game." On its  
                      surface, it consists of a   
                      series of reflections on the
                      roundball life as the game
                      is played from schoolyards
                      to the National Basketball

                      Its chapters are titled
                      "Passion," "Discipline,"
                      "Selflessness," "Respect,"
                      "Perspective," "Courage,"
                      "Resilience," and
                      "Imagination." It is
                      illustrated with wonderful
                      color photographs of men,
                      women and children playing
                      basketball. It costs $30 and
                      looks as though it were
                      designed for the coffee

                      It is, of course, much more
                      than that.

                      Subtle and powerful, "Values
                      of the Game" is a campaign
                      document--as unorthodox and
                      excellent as the former
                      Democratic senator himself.
                      It makes the point that
                      Bradley would make a dandy
                      candidate for president.
                      Indeed, it seems to me that
                      there is nobody in a
                      position to run who would
                      serve the nation better.
                      Whether we can get him is
                      another question.

                      The conventional wisdom is
                      that the 1998 election is a
                      referendum on the Republican
                      campaign to impeach Bill
                      Clinton. It may be so. But
                      it is the presidential
                      election of 2000 that will
                      really set the course for
                      the new century. We ought to
                      focus on the nominations
                      early, not settle for an
                      accidental choice.

                      No matter what happens in
                      November, the next two years
                      are going to stink. Clinton
                      hating has gotten out of
                      hand, but the haters are
                      unlikely to achieve their
                      goal. The president seems
                      almost certain to serve out
                      his term. Only the next
                      election can begin to
                      dissipate the poison.

                      We all have our theories of
                      how this happened. Mine is
                      that the print media lost
                      its self-control. The
                      conversation about Clinton
                      went haywire after the last
                      election, when the editorial
                      page of the The Wall Street
                      Journal, William Safire of
                      The New York Times, and
                      Stuart Taylor Jr. in The
                      American Lawyer kicked up a
                      notch their discussion of
                      "the character issue," and
                      nobody else said, "No."

                      Then Kenneth Starr, who was
                      the stealth component of the
                      GOP's Contract with America,
                      got lucky with cat's-paw
                      Linda Tripp, and the rest is
                      history. "Slick Willy" most
                      definitely is in the dock
                      now. But then so is the
                      Contract with America.

                      It is not easy to find
                      points for negotiation in
                      the polarized discussion of
                      Clinton and Starr. One may
                      have to do with the meaning
                      of elections.

                      For example, I was talking
                      last week to one of the
                      wisest men I know, an
                      executive who runs much of a
                      large corporation. "If I'd
                      done that, I'd have been
                      thrown out long ago," he
                      said. "But you weren't
                      elected to your position," I

                      It is amazing how routinely
                      this crucial distinction is
                      glossed over. Partnerships,
                      nonprofits--all exist to
                      serve a purpose. The purpose
                      is sovereign, and when a
                      leader imperils it, he or
                      she is ordinarily replaced
                      by whatever group of persons
                      is responsible for the
                      governance of the

                      The goverments of
                      democracies, on the other
                      hand, serve no purpose other
                      than to enhance the public
                      lives of their citizens, who
                      otherwise pursue their
                      private goals. The will of
                      the people is
                      sovereign--even in matters
                      of law. That's why we have
                      elections. It is why high
                      crimes--and not just "bad
                      character" or an
                      unprincipled perjury
                      trap--are required to
                      reverse elections.

                      There can no longer be any
                      doubt that Bill Clinton
                      posseses a seriously flawed
                      character (though whether it
                      is any more flawed than
                      Presidents Kennedy, Johnson
                      or Nixon will be a topic of
                      conversation for years to
                      come.) The next presidential
                      candidates, whoever they
                      are, are going to have to
                      run against Clinton, as much
                      as they must run against
                      each other.

                      That is why Vice President
                      Al Gore offers no balm
                      whatsoever for the nation's
                      wounds. The clamor for a
                      special prosecutor to
                      investigate campaign
                      financing in the 1996
                      presidential election (which
                      will be renewed after the
                      election next month) is all
                      about trying to place an
                      indelible black mark against
                      him. Even without it,
                      however, Gore is almost
                      certainly unelectable. His
                      partnership with Clinton
                      saddles him with too much

                      Bill Bradley would make an
                      excellent Democratic Party
                      standardbearer. Phil
                      Jackson, his former New York
                      Knick teammate and Michael
                      Jordan's favorite coach,
                      says in his foreword to
                      "Values of the Game," "It
                      seems strange to me that
                      most readers of this book
                      will know Bill mostly as a
                      politician, and never had
                      the opportunity to see him

                      But those with long memories
                      will recall his college
                      career at Princeton (and the
                      wonderful John McPhee
                      storybook, "A Sense of Where
                      You Are," that described
                      it). They will remember,
                      too, his years as a mainstay
                      of the Knicks, especially
                      the championship years of
                      1970 and 1973.

                      Bradley has been in the
                      public eye since McPhee's
                      text appeared in The New
                      Yorker in 1965. Like Bill
                      Clinton, he was a Rhodes
                      scholar, but there the
                      resemblance ends. Bradley
                      joined the Air Force after
                      Oxford, and served as team
                      representative of the Knicks
                      to the players' union during
                      the 10 years he played in
                      the NBA. In 1978 he was
                      elected to the U.S. Senate
                      from New Jersey and served
                      three terms. He stepped down
                      in 1996, saying, "I think
                      sometimes giving up power is
                      a form of power."

                      On economic issues, Bradley
                      is pretty widely acceptable.
                      True, he opposed the
                      Kemp-Roth income tax cuts
                      that inaugurated the Reagan
                      Era. But in 1986 he rose to
                      real prominence,
                      co-sponsoring with William
                      Roth the 1986 tax
                      simplification act--with its
                      two simple brackets and few
                      loopholes--that became the
                      centerpiece of the
                      brief-lived golden age of
                      tax equity, which Bill
                      Clinton ended in 1993.
                      Thereafter, Bradley became a
                      leading expert on global
                      economic coordination.

                      On social issues, too,
                      Bradley possesses traits of
                      character that recommend him
                      to the religious right, even
                      though his views on social
                      issues are relatively
                      liberal. Though he
                      represented New Jersey in
                      the Senate, he never severed
                      his Missouri roots (He was
                      raised in Crystal City, 30
                      miles south of St. Louis).
                      Long before it was
                      fashionable, he was a leader
                      in the Fellowship of
                      Christian Athletes.

                      The rap on Bradley is that
                      he's just too low
                      compression to compete
                      succesfully in a sound-bite
                      campaign. The flip side is
                      that he can come across as
                      downright Lincolnesque. He
                      has reactivated his
                      fund-raising operation, and
                      hired a political aide or
                      two. He says he will make
                      the decision later this year
                      whether to run.

                      If, as seems likely, the
                      2000 campaign is going to be
                      run on personal rectitude,
                      Bill Bradley is more
                      virtuous than George W.
                      Bush, the former owner of
                      the Texas Rangers baseball
                      team and current governor of
                      the Lone Star State. The
                      star athelete vs. the owner?
                      Isn't that an easy choice to
