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Greg Odegaard

> But NO POST is worth getting upset over.   Please, I would rather 
>read columnists from Sacramento than you all complaining about each 
>other.  Good grief...

Really? And let commisar Odegaard continue to shamble around with his 
"BS detector"(although in a sense Greg *is* a BS detector, just like a 
bluebottle fly)? The entire idea of letting him post him "droolings"--to 
use Jim's term-- unhindered should be the exact opposite of what anyone 
should do. Although a baboon with delusions of grandeur like Gregory 
does thrive on the invective he spews and draws, allowing him to think 
that his posts have any degree of merit by not calling his posts the 
poorly thought out and abrasive soup that they are only serves to 
encourage him. Just look at Greg('s posts) recently, because no one has 
called him out for his idiocy lately he's started assuming that he is 
the sole voice of the intellectual mores of the list. It's best to 
respond and then killfile him. He's not nearly as much of pest once he's 
been responded to and filtered.


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