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RE: Peter Vecsey: Knicks Want Sprewell; Agents Don't Want Owners' Plan

I rarely side with anything ol' Pete has to say, but his comments on the
players abandoning the agents under the proposed the CBA, due to the
fact they would not need them is a brilliant concept.  Just imagine your
local friendly players agent pleading for support, now that he is DOA.
An unrealistic, yet wonderful concept.  Of course some players would
still need them, just to have someone to pickup the dry cleaning and
balance the checkbook.  

On the last comment;

"Just about everybody I've talked to within the last
few days is disgusted and depressed regarding the
sharp turn downward that the CBA talks have taken.
What does the suddenly rigid stand by both parties
actually mean? Probably that they'll reach an
agreement when we least expect it.

How does Stern get it done? Simple. Offer Patrick
Union a championship ring."

Now considering how easy it was for Stern to originally get Patrick to
NY, he would only have a slightly bigger challenge, getting the refs to
ensure a championship for the Knacks.  In light of the pathetic
performance by the Baseball umps this last season (can you say #71), it
would only be slightly more noticeable than the refs pathetic
performance this last playoff season.  You would think with all Stern's
pull, he could figure out a way to get Patrick a heart.

Funny stuff on last night's Letterman, about a save the players fund,
like the very worthy save the children's version.  The announcer had
decided to sponsor Dikembe at a very insignificant $500 a day, allowing
him to make his Hummer payments.
