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RE: Rulebook or Blackbook???

 > Airballs: Rebounding your own airball is a legal play as long as the
 > shot was a legitimate attempt. Try to convince anyone on the playground
 > that's it's legal and you'll be branded as an idiot.>

>WRONG!!!!!! I've seen this called in high school and college alot.

I don't know what rulebook the original poster was reading, but I too have
seen this called every time in college and the NBA.  In fact, it happened
in one of the opening round games this year, and Walton laughed his butt
off when his broadcasting partner said it was illegal in the NBA but legal
in college.  Walton responded it's never been legal, HS, college or NBA,
and anyone thinking otherwise should be branded an idiot.  I don't have a
rulebook on hand, but I think I'd trust every NBA referee, college
referee, and plus former players, over strangers on this list or Costas
(or his cloned NBA hype announcers).  Of course quoting a specific passage
from any rulebook would be a bit more convincing.  Then we could call
Walton and tell him he was robbed all those years...

Ah, it's friday, time to chill out a little and enjoy the sunshine. :)
