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Re: The Boston Celtics Mailing List Digest V5 #122

In a message dated 98-03-21 16:00:25 EST, you write:

<< I'll choose Mercer, trade AW to Seattle for Vin Baker (or wait for him to
 be a FA).  I to am suprised with the way AW has been playing lately, rather
 selfishly.  Or was the team given the green light to tank games for more
 ping-pong balls? any comments? >>

Right on.  I was thinking of that trade for a while.  Don't wait, run at a
trade for Vin Baker.  Walker is no Celtic.  Too selfish self centered and
irratic.  Reminds me of John Starks  says Riley  "it's feast or famine with
him."  So too with Walker.  He thinks he is the show.  Mercer has the celtic
pride same as Regie Lewis did.  Looks out for the teamates BEFORE himself.  Or
trade AW for Scottie.  AW is from Chi town and I hear that Jordan want's him.
Forget the big dollar ticket for Geiger.  Haven't we learned about big tickets
with average talent yet?   Anderson, Mercer,Scottie,Vin and Center by
substitution.  DeClerc is a keeper.  Find one more like him and the team is
set. If camby is the right price maybe or Elden Campbell maybe!