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Re: I want cheerleaders!!

>Who made you spokesperson for the group?  I merely posted an opinion and you're
>all uptight about it.  And why the heck are you so against young people?
>Relax...it'll help your blood pressure.

Don't try to be disingenuous Jeff. "I merely posted an opinion" What B.S!
This whole thing started when you called me a lame head and told me I need
Viagra etc. Next you'll be telling us that voices are telling you to raise
an army for France. Where in any of my posts did I say anything negative
about young people? You are truly losin it.
> (Embedded
> image moved   mustang @ gis.net
> to file:      06/12/98 05:15 PM
> PIC00763.PCX)
>To:   Jeff Chin/Bos/Teradyne
>Subject:  Re: I want cheerleaders!!
>>I don't know about you guys, but I think cheerleaders would be a nice
>>to go see the C's next year.  At least when the C's are doing bad (which will
>>probably be often), you'll have something else to watch.  I hope they pick
>>ladies with more care than Pitino picks his players.
> Cheerleaders are  LAME! If you're bored watching the game bring a girlie
>mag with you so you won't fall asleep. Don't subject us to that adolescent
>junk that has nothing to do with the game. I KNOW how to cheer. I don't
>need some giggly thing who can't let go of the memory of high school. They
>are an embarrassment.
>                                                    Michael DiZio
>Content-type: application/octet-stream;
>        name="PIC00763.PCX"
>Attachment converted: Anne:PIC00763.PCX (????/----) (00001789)