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	Along with what seems like most members of this list, I hate the
idea of Celtics' cheerleaders (and wish the introductions were still just
an organ in the background).  Actually, as Indiana and surely others to
come try to follow baseball's retro movement to bring tradition and style
back to NBA arenas with Fieldhouse-type buildings, I'm sure places will
soon have such organs like we just scrapped 3 years ago as part of that
retro movement.  We could have beat them all to the punch by just keeping
ours.  But I'm not here to talk about organs.  How many of us out here are
really against the cheerleaders and do we have any interest in starting a
last-minute REAL mail letter campaign to block it? . . .My God, I think
I've finally lost it.  I've got to get off this list for a while.

Goggin in Cincinnati