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Another Thriller

Before my celt notes. Can you believe, those of you who may have saw the
gutless refs not call a foul at the end of the Knick game. Sam Cassell was
killed, no call. Anyway, the Celts gave another thriller, and an indication
of what is in our future with Antoine. It doesn't get any better. He
certainly take over a game as proven here, and against a couple of all
stars. Unfortunately it was another lay up and dunk drill for a team bigger
and stronger than us. Nevertheless, the Celts hung in there with a chance
to win it. This Wizard team looked pretty impressive against the Knicks
this week. We may have tired them out, if there was only another minute
left! All those dunks can be tiring. This team is pure entertainment.
Pervis is just too frail for the NBA. Looks like he may be out for awhile.
Imagine if you were his employer, and the compensation and disability
cases!! He did help us win the Bucks game, but he is almost useless, for a
guy that plays so soft he gets hurt alot. Cousy said during latter part of
game, he didn't think the Celts could play this type of hype and full court
ball for 32 games so far. He is impressed with the job Pitino is doing.
Walker is way down in the All Star balloting. Can you imagine?