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Hell no you are not alone in your total loss of interest in this season?

Hell no Gary, I am at a complete loss.  

If it were not for the holidays and the small detail that my wife is going
to have our 3rd child next week, I would be completely in the dumps.  

This whole business sucks, and I am being very technical in this reference;
as they literally "sucking" the life out of this game, like it was a sport
in and of itself.  Who in the hell are these assholes, Stern, Hunter, Ewing,
Falk and company to play such havoc on the game we love so much.  Sure there
is college ball, but unlike college football, the actual season is really a
rehearsal for the March tournament, which is about my 3rd favorite sports
"event" of the year (behind the NBA playoffs and The Masters, but right
ahead of the NFL playoffs and the Superbowl).  Hell the powers that be can't
help but screw up others sports events as well, what with this "brilliant"
scheme of the BCS making News Years Day just another day of good college
football, all for the mighty dollar.

I wish some ghost of basketball seasons/playoffs past would come down and
remind these "keepers" of the game of their responsibilities, and possibly
show them what the future, or lack thereof, is after they alienate the base
of fans who really pay the bills.  Actually these ghosts exist in the form
of the original union leader, Bob Cousy, and the greatest franchise/league
benefactor of the first 50 years, Red Auerbach.  Cousy spoke up a few weeks
ago, but it is too bad these two and the late great commish from the this
era (the name escapes me) could get to NY and cracks some freaking heads and
attempt to knock some sense of reality back into there obviously callous and
feeble minds.  I wish unspeakable things on these hoodlums; Ewing, Hunter,
Mourning, Falk and Stern too, and hope they meet there ends in poverty and
shame.  I look forward to attending games in the future, to likely get
thrown out, for throwing obscenities at the direction of players like Putrid
Ewing, and I wish we were Mourning for him Alonzo.

Sorry to vent, the dollars of which there are at least 2 billion of them,
should sort themselves out, but with egos like these it doesn't look good.

Happy new year, thanks for the good wishes from those recently, mostly
Warwick who get's to enjoy the holidays so to speak in the warmth of summer.
We'll be thinking of you next 4th of July.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Martin [mailto:gcm@rettew.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 1998 10:52 AM
To: celtics@igtc.com
Subject: Am I alone in my total loss of interest in this season?

As a die hard, bleed green, Celtic worshiper, this lock-out/strike/impasse
really has dampened my enthusiasm for this game

Am I alone in these doldrums?

Gary C. Martin

Gary C. Martin