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Re: Webber's agent spins

>Once again,  Drugs are illegal.  End of story!  The KKK is not illegal and
>doesn't affect a players performance, unless of course all the non WASP players
>on the team kick his ass and he can't play!  The question isn't "performance
>enhancing" drugs, it should be "performance altering" drugs.
>The answer to your alcohol question.  When it is illegal, then yes test for it,
>but until then you can't.  I am not tested for alcohol becuase it isn't
>illegal or banned by my place of employment.  If it was then test me.  I don't
>drink so I don't care.
>In the end is comes down to this.  Black is Black, White is White, and Illegal
>is Illegal.  If NBA players want to smoke dope, the start the DSBA, Dope
>Smokers Basketball Association. OUT!!!!!

Illegal doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong. Jim Crow laws were legal a few
years ago. The law used to  say that black people couldn't vote.
Segregation used to be legal. The supreme law of the land held that black
people were equivalent to cattle. Alcohol used to be illegal until that
fact gave rise to the biggest criminal enterprise in the world. These are
the same people who would freak if drugs became legal now because their
profits would be gutted. America has a long history of civil disobedience
to laws that can't pass moral muster. Illegal means "end of story"? The
American revolution, the thing that gave rise to the document that gave us
the right to prevent unlawful searches (drug tests ) was illegal.

                                     Michael A. DiZio