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May Day etc.

Michael Gooen wrote:
"as I recall, Sherman's inability to advance the offense at clutch time
was the reason
the Celtics lost Game 3."

Ryan Falcone wrote: "While you've chosen to focus on game 3, I seem to
recall Sherman's
single-handed heroics during game 2..."


I'm just writing to thank you all for reassuring me that I'm not nearly
the only crazy being out there who still gets crystal-clear flashbacks
of obscure Celts' games from the lost '90s. I've no idea why it should
still mean so much to me, but I love the freaking Boston Celtics
basketball organization and I love you all on the Boston Celtics list.
Merci pour l'Internet, baby!

Okay, finally getting to my point, what do you all think about starting
a list among us of unsung Celtics guys who gave us their money's worth
every night? I'm thinking of Ed Pinckney, Kermit Washington, John
Bagley, Greg Kite (we could use him when we nail Shaq in 2000) and maybe
Jerry "Rhymes with Bee Sting" Sichting .

"Go Bird, Ainge and Cowens in '98 Playoffs"


P.S. Since I sense the same vibes from the rest of you, I'll go ahead
and let my emotions gush.  HOW I HATE PETER MAY! If the Boston Globe
hired second-team scrubs like him back in the 1980s, I never would have
been suckered into becoming a Celtics/Redsox fan in the first place.
IMO, Peter May has no sense of humor (unlike Shaughnessy, Ryan), no
common sense (unlike Jackie McMullen), no grasp of history (i.e. why
everything really does mean so damn much to us!), no apparent expertise
or useful inside information (unlike Peter Gammons or Will McDonough), a
palpable race-bias (unlike home-girl Leslie Visser) and above all no
old-school instinct about how to tap the Homeric/Shakespearean narrative
potential of good sports journalism (a clear beginning-to-end drama,
leavened occasionally with humor, pitting an archetypal "good" v. "evil"
set of rogues in which you have absolutely no clue in advance about
which side will prevail.)

IMO, New England sports fans deserve better writing than what most other
pathetic sports fans read. If my (future) kids were forced to read Peter
May's columns, I wouldn't blame them if they converted into fans of the
LA Flakers (although I would consequently ignore them or psychologically
abuse them). As far as I'm concerned, our guy Bill Cooper has Peter May
for breakfast in terms of offering long-distance fans like me useful
insights about our Boston Celtics and the personages who play for them.

"Go Ron and 'Toine"

"Beat LA in 2000"
