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I think back to just a few years ago.  Ford had a lock on the coaching job,
right? The Celtics limped into the playoffs, right?  M.L. was a
behind-the-scenes, but oh-so-loyal PR guy, right?  Bird was saying he was
retired and didn't really want a big role, right?

Things can and do change.  And in the NBA, more quickly than most
workplaces (hey, wouldn't it be a dream if your business customers could
get your overbearing boss fired?). This is my prediction:

M.L. will be elevated above both GM and coach positions (make up your own
title).  Glorified PR man, president, Grand Pooba?

Larry will be brought in as GM and clean house.

Rick Pitino will coach in Boston.

This won't happen until next year, maybe the following year. Larry will
have next year to really think it through, begin to get even more involved.
ML will have his year to flop even though he has talented players.  Pitino
will be shown that there IS talent and the Cs CAN win, but only with him as
coach. He will have won another title or two  in KY and will get
bored....hopefully.  He'll start to miss his kids who are both in school in
Boston (one in college, one in high school...Milton Academy). Duncan will
be a second-year star and free agents will be flocking to Boston at
rock-bottom prices to play with him...ok maybe not the lat part, but a
woman can dream, right?

