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Re: Celtics fans, the time has come.

[Adam Litchy wrote]

> I'm all for letting our voices being heard.  The question is how, should we
> do it?  Should we bombard the celtics through e-mail?  How about sending
> them to Sportschannel?  They might not have any say in the matter.  But
> maybe a barrage of e-mail to them would get some air time and cause some
> action in the boston Area.

  How about if I write a web page that allows you to submit your name and
address.  Sort of like an "online petition"?  After a set period of time, 
I'll print off the file that contains all of the names and addresses and
enclose it with a letter to ThanksDad and the Clown Prince of Basketball
(aka ML Carr).  

  Actually I've already started putting together a page like this.  I was 
just waiting to deploy it later this week.  My goal would be to have this sent
out and ML Carr fired before the Draft on June 25th.

  If someone would like to help write the letter to be enclosed that would
be great.  We need something like a Declaration of Independence I think.
Something like "We the loyal fans of the Boston Celtics find ML Carr to be

  Also we could include some of the polls I conducted over the season thus
far.  There was the "What position should ML Carr be removed from" poll.
The results were (in case you were curious):

	Fired from coach: 25.5%
	Fired from GM:	   4.2%
        Fired from both:  61.7%	
	Not fired:	   8.5%*

* - of those submitting this vote they all agreed that he should be fired at
	the end of the season, rather than during the season.  Something about
	it may demoralize the team.  (Ya, like that's possible...)



  Jason A. Drisko               	Email: drisko@ics.com 
  Integrated Computer Solutions		WWW:   http://www.ics.com/~drisko
  201 Broadway 				Voice: (617) 621-0060
  Cambridge, MA 02139          		Fax:   (617) 621-9555