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Re: Conlon

It's for the common good. I don't think the mass hysteria could be
contained in the Garden..er Fleet Center=81 if he was in more. Chants of
MARTY, MARTY, MARTY, would be heard all the way to the Old North Church.
=46ans would become crazed, and the innocents outside the Garden...er Fleet
Center=81 would get sucked into a catrastophy unseen since the East Boston
molasses explosion.

Actually, I think it's worth keeping him around next year, the only problem
is his salary. The celtics are paying him minimum but he's drawing over a
million from his previous team right? How long was he under contract for?


PS has anyone else seen the crunch n munch guy at the Garden? Is he always

>	Why doesn't ML start Marty Conlon?  He is certainly the best of
>the remaining Celtics centers, and has been playing well as of late.
>* David M. Darlington                 email:  darlingt@muhlberg.edu  *
>* Muhlenberg College                  Campus Box:  1576              *
>* Class of '99                        http://www.jungle.net/darlingt *

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