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RE: Greg Minor


	Larry Bird has a teenage (maybe older by now) daughter, born either out
of wedlock, or from a short-lived college marriage ( I can't recall
which ). He is still married to his present wife Diana and I believe
they have a couple of adopted children.

Roger S. Belanger

>From: 	Amy Bullock[SMTP:amy@Dixie.dixie-net.com]
>Sent: 	Friday, June 06, 1997 2:32 PM
>To: 	sfarrell
>Cc: 	celtics@igtc.COM
>Subject: 	Re: Greg Minor
>Is Bird divorced? I thought he was happily married.
>On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, sfarrell wrote:
>> > 
>> >  but Bird and Parish seem to me to be less
>> > than exemplary fathers and husbands ... but somehow this gets ignored one
>> > way or another by the press and the fans.
>> Bird and Parrish at least pay support for their offspring