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Re: idiotic suggestions

If you guys (almost feel like saying children based on some of the
childish language on this list) are this sensitive about a mostly tongue
in cheek posting suggesting that the almighty savior/genius might only be
human, much as Gen Lee was in his few mistakes of his brilliant military
career, you're in for a long season.  Pitino has no more right to be above
criticism and humor than anyone else.  Even geniuses make mistakes, so I
believe everyone should have every move questioned.  Knight is a good
player because Rick says so?  Give me a break.  He's a good player when he
proves it, then Rick looks good.  Til then, Ricky, I'm having a tough time
defending ya.  Not that you care, but you best be right, or the angry mobs
will descend.

And telling people to shut up every time you think they're posting is
wrong?  Well, get used to typing, 'cause IMO, 20% of these postings,
including some of both of yours, are idoitic.  60% are redundant, obvious,
or just not very interesting, and 20% are why we're here.  If you try to
cut off the other 80% with trash like your postings, you'll lose the 20%
that's worthwhile, so don't even bother.  (And IMO, this is one of those
80%, but I'm sending it anyway.)

Anyway, let's all blast everyone, makes it more interesting.  We get to
see all sides of the arguments. :)  Timmy, why is it we all know the team
is better, yet they haven't played a game yet?  But we can't judge the
genius until a game has been played?  You're not being consistent, Timmy.

Blast away!!!!!!!

I'll even start first.  Who really said they care if you want a change
now?  I personally want a championship, not a change.  That be my opinion,
if it differs from yours, who cares?  Should I shut up?  Actually all
other opinions are welcome.  Great perspective into fans mentalities.
Just don't tell me to shut up, unless you like the feeling of being
ignored. :)  And don't except being told to shut up for proving your
idiocy (I love proving mine) by anyone other than a list moderator.

- -Jamey

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