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This stinks !!!!!(rerun)

ESPN tonight (David Aldridge) reports that according to Rick Fox he had =
been offered a new contract (24M over 7 years if memory serves) when the =
Celtics suddenly renounced him in order to sign Travis Knight.  The =
Celtics for their part said there was no such deal on the table.

Sorry to all of you who write that RP is building this team in his own =
image but all of this absolutely stinks.  To be dealing with players in =
this way will surely come back to hurt the Celtics sooner rather than =
later.  Dino, Rick Fox and David Wesley have all left the C's with a =
bitter taste in their mouth and word in the NBA does get around.

OK we needed to cut the dead wood, but we seem to be getting rid of =
everybody who has made a genuine effort over the past two years while =
keeping all the bums at the heart of the problem (to mix metaphors).  No =
matter what you think of the upside of TK if he meets it he's out after =
three years, if he doesn't we're stuck with him for seven.

Great to know that the C's have a lock on all these 7 footers with 15 =
year NBA careers ahead of them now in rookie camp.  Chicago, LA, NY and =
all must be very worried.  Wonder how we're going to cope with the =
surplus at center next year with all these stars riding the pine behind =
the immortal Travis Knight??