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Re: Swined by the Swine!

>Wow, I've gotten more off list responses regarding me as the next 
>antichrist but of course a little support as well - heh, heh...

Hmmm.  I wondered why there was no discussion on the list over the week-end. 
  I guess the chat was in private email.

>I noticed that you said "high schools" - PLURAL!  And now that that's
>stated, I will reiterate my original statement:  I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF KIDS 

But Nicole's right in pointing out that they're only imitating their elders. 
  That's the way children always learn.  In some quarters (like on the 
evening news) this seems to be an accepted method of dealing with vexing 
problems, in achieving international fame, and in making definitive social 
statements.  This subtlety does not escape teens.

> >take kindly to being written off as arrogant "fuckers" who jam out to 
>Britney Spears and insult any music we don't like.

I have a theory about Ms. Britney.  She is a role model for girls.  Many of 
the gals admire Britney for her fame and forthrightness in going after what 
she wants.  You have to admit she's doing well.  She started very young, but 
she's grown into the entertainer role very well.

Not all gals like the image, though.  Remember that 12-13 is the desired 
demographic.  I've heard a few comments from older teens that the packaging 
is a little too obvious.

>This whole thing started because I said that today's kids won't go out and 
>buy anything from The Who.  And they won't.  NOT all teens as Nicole (and 
>myself previously, nyah!) has pointed out - there will be the educated few 
>who will buy a Who record.  But EN MASSE, big numbers, Billboard type 
>numbers of teens won't have anything to do with The Who.

Seems like Billboard is a tough nut to crack.  Don't they mix pop and rock 
and etc. all together?  I noticed that LALDE charted in the UK because they 
separated rock from pop and so on.  But, there was no sign of it on the 
Billboard charts.

Have kids EVER en masse gone out to buy Who albums?  They've never been 
quite main-stream.  Whatever, Pete's apparently hoping to have a few folks 
buy the new albums.  Didn't he say they were hoping to sell twice as many as 

>Not in the slightest.  And if/when the new record comes out, and it has 
>modest sales predominantly from the 25-35 age group, will I still be one of 
>those cynical "older" Who fans or will my prediction have been fulfilled?

Why that age-group?  Like I said 12-13 is the most desirable.  The biggest 
buyers are currently the next demographic up from what you've mentioned, 
that is 35-55.

More to follow.  You certainly have written a book here.


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