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Re: fish and chips

This is the reason for some previous concern about you being a teacher in the public schools. It's erroneous nutritional information. Rickets is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin D and/or calcium and other minerals that leave bones soft and easily deformed. Notice that Roger Daltrey managed to contract this problem because of the hardships of the final war years in London.

English sailors carried limes on their ships to prevent the disease Scurvy, which is caused by a Vitamin C deficiency, and which leads to deterioration of connective tissue and generally loss of teeth. Please have your facts straight before you pass them along to your students.


They all also suck on limes. I was actually explaining the slur "limey" to a student once, and told them that sailors sucked on limes to keep their vitamin C levels up to combat the threat of rickets, and a student raised his hand and asked what limes were: "are they a type of fish or something?" The entire classed roared with laughter, as did I. I am being playful here, not antagonistic. AEB can make a drunken Irish slur if he wants, and I'll take it in good humor.


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