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Re: Biggs' Essay ... Let's see action...

At 02:01 PM 9/14/2001 -0700,
Greg Biggs/CVC Collectables wrote a wonderful essay that should be 
published in the
editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.  I won't re-post here because 
re-posts are wearing
thin on me right now.  Greg wrote about the history of war in the West with 
an emphasis
on the last 300 years.

Greg, I like what you wrote because it made
me feel very uncomfortable.  While I agree with your analysis I do not 
agree with some of your conclusions - mainly that we are weak-minded and 
will forget this.   In addition to impacting
the entire country and world (for commercial reasons that I will not go 
into), it will cause a
great impact on our economy.  Unfortunately, many businesses will fail 
because of these events.
I believe that this act will stay in America's face for a long time.  It 
took over
10 years to build the WTC, so we will have at least that much time on our 
reminder clock.

I do not think you can measure or compare this event to anything that has 
come before it
in terms of a motivator for action (I don't mean revenge, I mean 
fortification for prevention).
The only thing that comes close is the Trojan horse story.  We can expect 
all kinds of
Trojan horse attacks in the future (they will come in all shapes and 
sizes).  The current
leadership appears to be in-tune with where we have failed, but we need to 
stay on them
to help them focus on what is important.  We also need to allow for 
security to factor into
the cost of our airline ticket, or our drinking water, or the food we 
eat.  There are tons of
ideas and solutions that are being developed, and smarter people than I are 
presenting them.  Maybe they will start listening to Tom Clancy now.

Thanks again for your post.   Nice action!

Joe in Philly